
Acorde de Brother And Sister - Erasure

Letra de Brother And Sister


When I Was Young

I Would Scream Blue Murder


Till I Had My Own Way


Run From The Family


And Tell Of A Story To Spite My Elders

D A Em

Round And Round, The Boy

Bm A

In The Garden Of Lies And Science Fiction

Bm F# Bm

Brother And Sister And Father Of Mine

Bm F# Bm

Keep Us Together And Keep Us In Line

D A Em F#

A Lot We Depend On A Lot We Can Do

Bm F# Bm

Send Love To Mother I'll Be Good To You



To Pollute The Mind Of A Minor


The Only Escape From The Rigours Of Life


Pretend We're A Family And Believe


In The Virtues Of Truth

D A Em

Round And Round, Caught Up

Bm A

In A Garden Of Lies And Deception

Bm F# Bm

Brother And Sister And Father Of Mine

Bm F# Bm

Keep Us Together And Keep Us In Line

D A Em F#

A Lot We Depend On A Lot We Can Do

Bm F# Bm

Send Love To Mother I'll Be Good To You

A D Bm F#

D A Em Bm

Round And Round And Round And Round (x 4)

Bm F# Bm

Brother And Sister And Father Of Mine

Bm F# Bm

Keep Us Together And Keep Us In Line

D A Em F#

A Lot We Depend On A Lot We Can Do

Bm F# Bm

Send Love To Mother I'll Be Good To You

Bm F# Bm

Brother And Sister And Father Of Mine

Bm F# Bm

Keep Us Together And Keep Us In Line

D A Em F#

A Lot We Depend On A Lot We Can Do

Bm F# Bm

Send Love To Mother I'll Be Good To You

D A Em F#

Bm F# Bm

Brother And Sister And Father Of Mine

Bm F# Bm

Keep Us Together And Keep Us In Line

D A Em F#

A Lot We Depend On A Lot We Can Do

Bm F# Bm

Send Love To Mother I'll Be Good To You

(Fade Out)

Letra subida por: An�nimo

Discos en los que aparece este acorde: Wild!

El acorde de Brother And Sister de Erasure es una versi�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.

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