
Acorde de Let's Take One More Rocket To The Moon - Erasure

Letra de Let's Take One More Rocket To The Moon

G                   D             Am7 

Let's take one more rocket to the moon

G D Am7

Before we wake I'll kiss your eyes and lie between

D Am7 Em

While you sleep is all around

Am7 D

Just look up in the air and find it

Am7 D

Just wish upon a star and find it

G Bm7

It's dawning I'm gently falling

Am7 D

The rhythm of water and windows are white

G Bm7 Am7

Darling soft as your pillow I'm slowly drowning


Go spiralling down as you catch your breath

G D Am7

A keychain in your pocket just for luck

G D Am7

I hold it in and close my eyes to hide a tear

D Am7 Em

And what we need is all around us

Am7 D

Just say a little prayer and find it

Am7 D

Just look up in the air and find it

G Bm7 Am7

Walking into your life love without knowing


I'm out of my mind

G Bm7

Calling straight to your heart

Am7 D G

I'm slowly drowning and morning is here as I catch my breath

D Am7 Em

And what we need is all around us

Am7 D

Just look up in the air and find it

Am7 D

Just say a little prayer and find it

G Bm7 Am7

Walking into your life love without knowing


I'm out of my mind

G Bm7

Calling straight to my heart

Am7 D G Bm7 Am7 D

I'm slowly drowning and morning is here

Letra subida por: An�nimo

Discos en los que aparece este acorde: Nightbird

El acorde de Let's Take One More Rocket To The Moon de Erasure es una versi�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.

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