
Acorde de Waiting On Words - The Black Keys

Letra de Waiting On Words

[Verse 1]

Bm A

I'm waiting on words

Am G

I'm waiting on the one I've been thinking of

Bm A

And hoping you heard

Am G

I'm waiting on the words


Bm A

Oh, goodbye


I heard you were leaving

Bm A D B

Won't try-y changing your mind

Bm A E B

Goodbye, Don't know where you're going

Bm A

The only thing I really know

D Bm

My love for you is real, I

[Verse 2]

Bm A

I leave it behind

Am G

No longer will I want for a single thing

Bm A

Stay true in my mind

Am G

You have to let 'em in

[Chorus x2 ]

Letra subida por: An�nimo

Discos en los que aparece este acorde: Turn Blue

El acorde de Waiting On Words de The Black Keys es una versi�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.

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