
Letra de Christmas Means Love - Joan Osborne

Letra de canci�n de Christmas Means Love de Joan Osborne lyrics

Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh
It was then, on the 12th month, on the 25th day
A little child was born and brightened up our day
And I'm so glad he came to show us what true love is
Now I know, Christmas means love
Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
And joy to your neighbours (Christmas means love)
Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
And to help one another (Christmas means love)
Oh, there's so many definitions as to what Christmas is
But to me Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
And joy to your neighbours (Christmas means love)
Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
And to help one another (Christmas means love)
Oh, there's so many definitions as to what Christmas is
But to me Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
Baby I just wanna tell you
I've seen Christmases come, I've seen Christmases go
But since I have you in my life
I don't need to get any other presents
Just spend it with you
The one I love
(To me, Christmas means love)
Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
And joy to your neighbours (Christmas means love)
Christmas means love (Christmas means love)
And to help one another (Christmas means love)
Oh, there's so many definitions as to what Christmas is
But to me Christmas means love (Christmas means love)

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La letra de canci�n de Christmas Means Love de Joan Osborne es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Joan Osborne Christmas Means Love lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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