
Letra de Everything Counts (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) - Depeche Mode

Letra de canci�n de Everything Counts (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) de Depeche Mode lyrics

The handshake
Seals the contract
From the contract
There's no turning back
The turning point
Of a career
In Korea, being insincere
The holiday
Was fun packed
The contract
Still intact

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves
After all

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves
After all

It's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts

The graph
On the wall
Tells the story
Of it all

Picture it now
See just how
The lies and deceit
Gained a little more power
Taken in
By a sun tan
And a grin

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves
After all

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
All for themselves
After all

It's a competitive world
Everything counts in large amounts

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts

The grabbing hands
Grab all they can
Everything counts in large amounts

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Everything Counts (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) de Depeche Mode es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Depeche Mode Everything Counts (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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