
Letra de Fujiya & Miyagi - Ankle Injuries - Razzmatazz#06

Letra de canci�n de Fujiya & Miyagi - Ankle Injuries de Razzmatazz#06 lyrics

Fujiya, Miyagi x26

As I pretend
As of the band
Lowercase letter S
Spray painted red
It's spray painted red
Yeah, your little arms
Swing on monkey bars
In search of your plot
Like pixelated scraps of jazz mags in your head

Like pixelated scraps of jazz mags in your head
Lights, a career
Lit into ??, ankle injuries
In the mid to late 1980s
As you're pretty
As of the band
Lowercase letter S
Like pixelated scraps of jazz mags in your head

Like pixelated scraps of jazz mags in your head
Unleashing begins
Next to zen, ??
My nature ??
Seed cover it
Unleashing begins
Through transparent things
Like pixelated scraps of jazz mags in your head

Like pixelated scraps of jazz mags in your head

Fujiya, Miyagi x34

Like pixelated scraps of jazz mags in your head

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La letra de canci�n de Fujiya & Miyagi - Ankle Injuries de Razzmatazz#06 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Razzmatazz#06 Fujiya & Miyagi - Ankle Injuries lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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