
Letra de How Many Times? - Erasure

Letra de canci�n de How Many Times? de Erasure lyrics

Love leave me alone
I've got troubles of my own
I do believe that I have paid the price
For all the things I've said and done
Every little thing that seemed to go wrong
How many times
Will I regret the chances taken?
Why do I end up
Always the one who is mistaken?
Love leave me to sleep
Let me wallow in my dreams
Till the icy past fades away
The dawning of a brand new day
The echoes of the past that still remind me
How many times
Will I regret the chances taken?
Why do I end up
Always the one who is mistaken?

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de How Many Times? de Erasure es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Erasure How Many Times? lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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