
Letra de I'm Qualified - Joan Osborne

Letra de canci�n de I'm Qualified de Joan Osborne lyrics

Do you need a girl beside you
To supply the love you need?
I'll give you satisfaction
And all my work is guaranteed

If you want someone to love you
Take your hand and be your guide
Oh, I'm qualified
Take a chance with me, baby

If you want someone to cry to
I'll wipe away your tears
If you need someone to lie to
I'll be glad to lend an ear

If you're looking for somebody
To stand by your side
Oh, I'm qualified
Take a chance with me, baby

I'm qualified, I'm qualified
Come on and take a chance with me, baby
I'm qualified, I'm qualified
Come on and take a chance with me, baby

I ain't much on matrimony
All I know is what I've heard
But I'll gladly chance it, darling
If you'd only say the word

If you need someone to play with
I'll be there by your side
Oh, I'm qualified
Take a chance with me, baby

I'm qualified, I'm qualified
Come on and take a chance with me, baby
I'm qualified, I'm qualified
Come on and take a chance with me, baby

I'm qualified, I'm qualified
Come on and take a chance with me, baby
I'm qualified, I'm qualified
Come on and take a chance with me, baby

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La letra de canci�n de I'm Qualified de Joan Osborne es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Joan Osborne I'm Qualified lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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