
Letra de Lady Double Dealer [Live] - Deep Purple

Letra de canci�n de Lady Double Dealer [Live] de Deep Purple lyrics

Get outta my way
I'm gettin' tired of you
There ain't no chance
Doin' what you wanna do
I've been down down down down down
Got to get my feet back on the ground

Lady double dealer
Get outta my way
Lady double dealer
You got nothing to say

I ain't satisfied
Dealin' with second hand goods
You wanted somethin' for nothin'
Taking everything you could
You been 'round--I got the news
But you ain't waitin' 'round for me to lose

Lady double dealer
Get outta my way
Lady double dealer
You got nothing to say
I gave love to you
Did what you wanted me to
But all you did was bring me down
So I just had to try
Try to reason why
You took advantage of my love

Two timin' woman
Tryin' to take me for a ride
You're a hard lover honey
But you sure don't keep me satisfied
I wanna be there
To try to make you see
There ain't no woman gonna make a fool outta me

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Lady Double Dealer [Live] de Deep Purple es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Deep Purple Lady Double Dealer [Live] lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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