
Letra de Lady Jane - Tony Merrick - Paint It Black (The Compilation Of The Rolling Stones Cover Tracks)

Letra de canci�n de Lady Jane - Tony Merrick de Paint It Black (The Compilation Of The Rolling Stones Cover Tracks) lyrics

My sweet Lady Jane
When I see you again
Your servant am I
And will humbly remain

Just heed this plea my love
On bended knees my love
I pledge myself to Lady Jane

My dear Lady Anne
I've done what I can
I must take my leave
For promised I am
This play is run my love
Your time has come my love
I've pledged my troth to Lady Jane

Oh my sweet Marie
I wait at your ease
The sands have run out
For your lady and me

Wedlock is nigh my love
Her station's right my love
Life is secure with Lady Jane

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La letra de canci�n de Lady Jane - Tony Merrick de Paint It Black (The Compilation Of The Rolling Stones Cover Tracks) es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Paint It Black (The Compilation Of The Rolling Stones Cover Tracks) Lady Jane - Tony Merrick lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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