
Letra de Love's The One And Only Thing - Willie Nelson

Letra de canci�n de Love's The One And Only Thing de Willie Nelson lyrics

She tries to give up on love every morning
But there's that ceiling
And there she is by herself
Wondering if she'll ever find that feeling
Till there's someone
There'll be nobody else


Woman don't give you heart away to just anyone
Even though the strongest will don't like to wait
A heart'll do just about anything to feel love
And love's the one and only thing her heart
Really wants to make

A cup of coffee on the dresser putting on her make up
She looks in the mirror and the mirror has something to say
That loneliness that needing and that wanting
It's all part of longing
It's your saving grace.


So woman don't give you heart away to just anyone
Even though the strongest will don't like to wait
A heart'll do just about anything to feel love
And love's the one and only thing her heart really wants to make. x2

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La letra de canci�n de Love's The One And Only Thing de Willie Nelson es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Willie Nelson Love's The One And Only Thing lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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