
Letra de Loveline - Dr. Hook

Letra de canci�n de Loveline de Dr. Hook lyrics

If you ever need me, call me on your phone line
You've got my number, if you ever want me I'm your lifeline
And if you're ever lonely, I'm your loveline

If you ever feel sad, need someone to hold you
When no-one knows you or understands you, I do
'Cause no-one means as much girl as you do

Take your time it's just my heart you're breaking
I don't mind, though my whole world is shaking
I'll be fine

I'm sitting by my window, wondering where you are now
If ever it should rain just remember there's a rainbow
'Cause someone thinks about you, wherever you go

Take your time it's just my heart you're breaking
I don't mind, though my whole world is shaking
I'll be fine, I'm your lifeline

If you ever need me, call me on your phone line
You've got my number, if you ever want me I'm your lifeline
And if you're ever lonely, I'm your loveline

Take your time it's just my heart you're breaking
I don't mind, though my whole world is shaking
I'll be fine, baby I'm your loveline

Baby I'm your loveline
Oooh, Baby I'm your lifeline
Baby I'm your loveline
Oooh, Baby I'm your lifeline

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Loveline de Dr. Hook es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Dr. Hook Loveline lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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