
Letra de Make Me Stay A Bit Longer (A Side) - Status Quo

Letra de canci�n de Make Me Stay A Bit Longer (A Side) de Status Quo lyrics

When you look at me tell me what you see
Do you see a man or just a jagged outline of one?
Do you hear my words, or do they go straight through you?
We get it together now and then
But I can feel we won�t again
Still I can�t stop this endless strain of you
Listen to my words and talk the sadness that I bring you
I�ll leave you today, �cos I am nothing to you
Oh-oh make me stay a bit longer
Make my heart and my body get stronger
Make me stay, don�t send me away or I�ll be alone
Make me stay a bit longer
Make my heart and my body get stronger
Make me stay, don�t send me away or I�ll be alone
When you look at me tell me what you see
Do you see a man or just a jagged outline of one?
Do you hear my words, or do they go straight through you?
Oh-oh make me stay a bit longer
Make my heart and my body get stronger
Make me stay, don�t send me away or I�ll be alone
Make me stay a bit longer
Make my heart and my body get stronger
Make me stay, don�t send me away or I�ll be alone

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Make Me Stay A Bit Longer (A Side) de Status Quo es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Status Quo Make Me Stay A Bit Longer (A Side) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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