
Letra de Never Let Me Down Again (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) - Depeche Mode

Letra de canci�n de Never Let Me Down Again (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) de Depeche Mode lyrics

I�m taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
He knows where he�s taking me
Taking me where I want to be
I�m taking a ride
With my best friend

We�re flying high
We�re watching the world pass us by
Never want to come down
Never want to put my feet back down
On the ground

I�m taking a ride
With my best friend
I hope he never lets me down again
Promises me I�m safe as houses
As long as I remember who�s wearing the trousers
I hope he never lets me down again

Never let me down

See the stars, they�re shining bright
Everything�s alright tonight

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Never Let Me Down Again (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) de Depeche Mode es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Depeche Mode Never Let Me Down Again (Live at Pasadena Rose Bowl, June 18 1988) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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