
Letra de Never Too Late (Live At The Town & Country Club, London, 17th July, 1991) - Alison Moyet

Letra de canci�n de Never Too Late (Live At The Town & Country Club, London, 17th July, 1991) de Alison Moyet lyrics

I saw a face, grey as the cold December
A face I know, not the one that I remember
I wanted to hide but I cant run out on you forever
(Milky eyes like opal stones
Staring through a stained glass window
It's never too late to change your mind
Looking through a stained glass window)
It's never too late

I know a man, couldn't change the peace that stands between us
But these open hands are empty bowls to fill
(Come for the one who pays the most
You don't get thanks for loyalty)
And all your friends, they've gone and sold you down the river
They've got your phone book now
(Once your life was a fiery feast
Now it's just a burning ember)

It's never too late
We'll get it back together
It's never too late
Release me from this sorrow

Will you never learn, love knows no bounds
Beggar or a king, it will bring you down
Fool may I be, cant give up the ghost that haunts me

I saw a face, grey as a cold December

It's never too late

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Never Too Late (Live At The Town & Country Club, London, 17th July, 1991) de Alison Moyet es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Alison Moyet Never Too Late (Live At The Town & Country Club, London, 17th July, 1991) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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