
Letra de Platin - Stay Forever (Slovenia) - Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004

Letra de canci�n de Platin - Stay Forever (Slovenia) de Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004 lyrics

C'mon let's fly away, girl
Up on cloud number nine I wish to fly
You're the most precious bird
Waiting for you, that's all I need to know

Wait and see how it's gonna be,
hold my hand, just don't let go
Birds of the feather fly together
But time will tell, people say so

Stay forever and ever,
you will always be my baby
Stay forever,
I'll never hurt you,
I won't make you cry

Stay forever
No matter what my happen,
don't give up on me
Do whatever
I'll never let go
I will catch your fall

Through the sunny and dark side (I'll fly)
Feelings like this are made (to survive)
What the rest of the world thinks (doesn't matter)
Because we know it better

Stay forever and ever,
you will always be my baby
Stay forever,
I'll never hurt you,
I won't make you cry

Stay forever
No matter what my happen,
don't give up on me
Do whatever
I'll never let go
I will catch your fall

Stay forever and ever,
you will always be my baby
Stay forever,
I'll never hurt you,
I won't make you cry

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La letra de canci�n de Platin - Stay Forever (Slovenia) de Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Eurovision Song Contest Istanbul 2004 Platin - Stay Forever (Slovenia) lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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