
Letra de Rio De Janerio Blue - Randy Crawford

Letra de canci�n de Rio De Janerio Blue de Randy Crawford lyrics

Baby I'm in the jungle
In the danger zone
Bit by a tiger on my crazy bone
A giraffe in a neck tie
Breathing down my neck
Gonna get my monkey's
That's what they get
Get your monkey's out
You gotta let your monkey's out
There ain't no doubt
You gotta let your monkey's out
You'd be swinging like Tarzan
Swinging off the vine
I've been falling in a swampland
On a porcupine

Sometimes it's like flying high in the sky
Come and get my monkey's out
That's what they said
Get your monkey's out
You gotta let your monkey's out
There ain't no doubt
You gotta let your monkey's out
I've been living in a jungle
Wild animals stalking me
When I go let 'em out and throw away the key
Just makes me feel hungry
It makes me feel funky
Gonna get out my monkey
Gonna get out my monkey
Gonna get out my monkey
1 2 3 4 Let go
You gotta go
I said hey hey hey
What I say
Hey you You gotta let your (hey hey hey)
Let go let go
Let your let your monkey out
Ya gotta let your let your monkey out

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Rio De Janerio Blue de Randy Crawford es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Randy Crawford Rio De Janerio Blue lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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