
Letra de Seven Year Itch - Willie Nelson

Letra de canci�n de Seven Year Itch de Willie Nelson lyrics

I had the seven-year itch, scratched it out in three
Well, you may say "how?" but you don't know me
I've taken my licks and I'm paying my fee
I had the seven-year itch, scratched it out in three

[Verse 1]
Been ridin' my mind 'round my neighborhood
Gettin' 'nowhere slow but I'm feeling good
Stayed up all night, that's when I'm at my best
Sleep all day and that's too much rest

Had the seven-year itch, scratched it out in three
You may say "how?" but you don't know me
I've taken my licks and I'm paying my fee
I had the seven-year itch, scratched it out in three

[Verse 2]
I went crazy one day but I came back when
I caught myself goin' crazy again
I decided to write the world's best song
But when I got around to it, it had done moved on

Had the seven-year itch, scratched it out in three
Well, you may say "how?" but you don't know me
I've taken my licks and I'm a-paying my fee
I had the seven-year itch, scratched it out in three

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La letra de canci�n de Seven Year Itch de Willie Nelson es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Willie Nelson Seven Year Itch lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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