
Letra de Soldier Of Fortune - Deep Purple

Letra de canci�n de Soldier Of Fortune de Deep Purple lyrics

I have often told you stories
About the way
I lived the life of a drifter
Waiting for the day
When I'd take your hand
And sing you songs
Then maybe you would say
Come lay with me love me
And I would surely stay

But I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

Many times I've been a traveller
I looked for something new
In days of old
When nights were cold
I wandered without you
But those days I thougt my eyes
Had seen you standing near
Though blindness is confusing
It shows that you're not here

Now I feel I'm growing older
And the songs that I have sung
Echo in the distance
Like the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune
Yes, I can hear the sound
Of a windmill goin' 'round
I guess I'll always be
A soldier of fortune

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de Soldier Of Fortune de Deep Purple es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Deep Purple Soldier Of Fortune lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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