
Letra de The Perfect Fan - Backstreet Boys

Letra de canci�n de The Perfect Fan de Backstreet Boys lyrics

It takes a lot to know what is love
It�s not the big things, but the little things that can mean enough
A lot of prayers to get me trough (trough)
And is never a day passes by
I don�t think of you, You were always there for me
Pushing me and guiding me Always to succeed

You showed me, when I was young just how to grow
You showed me, everything I should know
You showed me, just how to walk without your hands
�Cause Mom you always were The perfect fan.
God has been so good, blessing me with a family
Who did all they could
And I�ve had many years of grace
And flatters me when I see a smile on your face
I wanna thank you for what you�ve done
In hopes I can give back to you
And be the perfect son

You showed me, when I was young just how to grow
You showed me, everything I should know
You showed me, just how to walk withuot your hands
�Cause Mom you always were The perfect fan.

You showed me how to love ( you showed me how to love)
You showed me how to care ( you showed me how to care)
And you showed me that you would always be there
I wanna thank you for the time
And I�m pround to say you�re mine

You showed me,( you showed me ) when I was young just how to grow (to grow )
You showed me, everything I should know
You showed me, just how to walk withuot your hands
�Cause Mom you always were The perfect fan.

�Cause Mom you always were, Mom you always were, Mom you always were, you know you always were ...�Cause Mom you always were The perfect fan.
I love you Mom.

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canci�n de The Perfect Fan de Backstreet Boys es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Backstreet Boys The Perfect Fan lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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