
Letra de The Things We Never Did - A1

Letra de canci�n de The Things We Never Did de A1 lyrics

You and me, we sit and talk of friendship then I ask.
If you can see, if we could be together forever.
I see the light die in your eyes
Coz you're scared you'll hurt.
So you don't wanna try.

Well take a chance and come home with me, you could stay for eternity.
If you try then at least you'll see
Then you'll never regret the things we never did.

You turn to me, I see your eyes.
And somehow they cease to shine, you smile at me yet I can see.
You don't think we can make it
You see the light die in my eyes.
Coz I'm scared to lose you, I wish you would try.

I see the light die in your eyes
Cos you're scared you'll hurt.
So you don't want to try.
[Chorus: Repeat Till End]

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La letra de canci�n de The Things We Never Did de A1 es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
A1 The Things We Never Did lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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