
Letra de Treasure - Erasure

Letra de canción de Treasure de Erasure lyrics

I'm coming in, got the wood stove on
at the end of a treasured day
take off my hat and shoes
and i lay me down
lives been lost and fortunes won
a test of the will to survive
see where the shadow falls
and you stake your claim


I dream of trees and roads
i roam across the hills
the sky is big, the deepest blue,
the clouds like smoky trains

News coming in , goes nation wide
not a grain of truth to be heard
lie to an ancient tribe, in their mother tongue
wreaking havoc and wrecking lives
like a ball and chain to the skull
rise see the eagle fly
spirit can't be broken

I dream of trees and roads
i roam across the hills
the sky is big, the deepest blue,
the clouds like smoky trains


I dream of trees and roads
i roam across the hills
the sky is big, the deepest blue,
the clouds like smoky trains

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Discos en los que aparece esta letra:

La letra de canción de Treasure de Erasure es una transcripción de la canción original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Erasure Treasure lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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