
Letra de Who Needs Love Like That - Erasure - Now 23

Letra de canción de Who Needs Love Like That - Erasure de Now 23 lyrics

Who needs love like that?
There's something going on
something not quite right.
There's something stranger happening to me.
There's someone at the door
hear voices in my head
It seems things aren't the way they ought to be.
Who needs love like that? Who needs love like that?
It seemed so clear before
I held my point of view
I kept my conversation
never changed.
And now it's all gone wrong
the words are kind of hard
And nothing else around me looks the same.
Who needs love like that? Who needs love like that?
Love can turn you upside down and leave you cold
It's plain to see you're losing all control.
Who needs love like that? Who needs love like that?
I'd like to understand
I'd like to find out why
I can't remember all the line I should say.
But then I see her face and nothing really counts
Don't tell me now this feeling will stay.
Who needs love like that? Who needs love like that?
Love can turn you upside down and leave you cold
It's plain to see you're losing all control.
Who needs love like that? Who needs love like that?
Who needs love like that? Who needs love like that?
Who needs love like that? Who needs love like that?

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La letra de canción de Who Needs Love Like That - Erasure de Now 23 es una transcripción de la canción original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Now 23 Who Needs Love Like That - Erasure lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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