
Letra de Won't You Come Home With Me - Bay City Rollers

Letra de canci�n de Won't You Come Home With Me de Bay City Rollers lyrics

Caroline must have faced trying to smile
For awhile, she sighs for a reason
And when she comes round
She often turns to me
To bring on her laugh for a season

So won't you come home with me
Can you hang around with me
Won't you come home with me
Won't you come home with me
Can you hang around with me
Won't you come home with me

Caroline gets it off against the wall
When she flies along with her feelings
And the summertime days the wall can turn to fog
then the cries aloud
So won't you come home with me
Can you hang around with me
Won't you come home with me
So won't you come home with me
Can you hang around with me
Won't you come home with me

So won't you come home with me
Can you hang around with me
Won't you come home with me
Won't you come home with me
Can you hang around with me
Won't you come home with me

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La letra de canci�n de Won't You Come Home With Me de Bay City Rollers es una transcripci�n de la canci�n original realizada por colaboradores/usuarios de Coveralia.
Bay City Rollers Won't You Come Home With Me lyrics is a transcription from the original song made by Coveralia's contributors/users.

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